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Advanced Accounting Lectures - Accounting Made Easy
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Section 1 - Intercompany Acquisitions and Investments in Other Entities
Lesson 1.1 - Overview of Intercorporate Acquisitions and Investments in Other Entities (24:47)
Lesson 1.2 - Accounting for Internal Expansion - Creating Business Entities Intro (9:01)
Lesson 1.3 - Accounting for Internal Expansion - Creating Business Entities Example (12:27)
Lesson 1.4 - Disposition of A Segment of Operations (7:22)
Lesson 1.5 - Accounting for External Expansion - Acqusition of Business Entities (16:59)
Lesson 1.6 - Legal Forms of Business Combinations (4:35)
Lesson 1.7 - Introduction to Acquisition Accounting (10:19)
Lesson 1.8 - Introduction to Goodwill (18:08)
Lesson 1.9 - Acquiring through Acquisition of Net Assets - Combination Example (25:09)
Lesson 1.10 - Goodwill Impairment Example (12:06)
Lesson 1.11 - Acquiring through Acqusition of Stock - Combination Example (12:20)
Section 2 - Consolidation of 100% Owned Subsidiary - No Goodwill
Lesson 2.1 - Reporting Method when Investing in Another Corporation (18:44)
Lesson 2.2 - The Cost Method - Introduction and Example (15:18)
Lesson 2.3 - The Cost Method - Other Issues (8:44)
Lesson 2.4 - The Equity Method - Introduction and Example (16:30)
Lesson 2.5 - The Fair Value Option - An Overview (8:14)
Lesson 2.6 - Consolidations - Introduction - A Conceptual Review (15:08)
Lesson 2.7 - Consolidations - Overview of Consolidation Worksheet (10:43)
Lesson 2.8 - Consolidations - Overview of Elimination Entries (12:04)
Lesson 2.9 - Consolidations - Example Overview (11:03)
Lesson 2.10 - Consolidations - EE A - Investment in Investee Beg Yr 1 (16:57)
Lesson 2.11 - Consolidations - EE B - Accumulated Depreciation (11:15)
Lesson 2.12 - Consolidations - Consolidated NI and Retained Earnings (7:54)
Lesson 2.13 - Consolidations - EE A - Investment in Investee End of Yr 1 (22:05)
Lesson 2.14 - Consolidations - EE A - Investment in Investee End of Yr 2 (11:09)
Section 3 - Less than 100% Owned Subsidiaries - No Goodwill
Lesson 3.1 - Overview of Less than 100% Ownership (8:09)
Lesson 3.2 - Control and Exercising Indirect Control (6:31)
Lesson 3.3 - Overview of Noncontrolling Interest (10:17)
Lesson 3.4 - NCI - Consolidated Net Income Calculation (9:22)
Lesson 3.5 - NCI - Consolidated Retained Earnings Calculation (7:48)
Lesson 3.6 - Consolidations - Example Overview (7:58)
Lesson 3.7 - Consolidations - CE AB - Beginning Year 1 (11:20)
Lesson 3.8 - Consolidations - CE AB - End Year 1 (14:02)
Lesson 3.9 - Consolidations - CE AB - End of Year 2 (11:36)
Section 4 - Consolidation 100 Percent at More Than Book Value
Lesson 4.1 - Consolidation of Fully Owned Enterprise for More than Book Value (10:01)
Lesson 4.2 - Amortization and Write Off of a Differential (15:25)
Lesson 4.3 - Example - Amortization and Write Off of a Differential (15:10)
Lesson 4.4 - Consolidation - Full Ownership for More than Book Value (14:38)
Lesson 4.5 - Consolidations - Full Ownership - Less than Book Value (7:07)
Lesson 4.6 - Example - End of Year 1 - More than BV Ownership (6:37)
Lesson 4.7 - Example - Consolidations - End of Year 1 (18:49)
Lesson 4.8 - Example - Consolidations - End of Year 2 (10:36)
Lesson 4.9 - Elimination of Intercompany Receivables and Payables (6:35)
Section 5 - Less than 100% Owned Subsidiaries at More than Book Value
Lesson 5.1 - Consolidations - Non Controlling Interest (3:54)
Lesson 5.2 - Example Overview - NCI - Goodwill (13:00)
Lesson 5.3 - NCI - Goodwill - Acquisition Date (11:02)
Lesson 5.4 - NCI - Goodwill - End of Year 1 (16:55)
Lesson 5.5 - NCI - Goodwill - End of Year 2 (9:57)
Lesson 5.6 - Discontinuance of Consolidations (6:53)
Lesson 5.7 - Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) (7:36)
Section 6 - Intercompany Inventory Transactions
Lession 6.1 - Intercompany Inventory Transactions (12:35)
Lesson 6.2 - Selling Inventory at a Profit and Loss (10:06)
Lesson 6.3 - Key Terms - Lingo (5:00)
Lesson 6.4 - Mark Up on Sales - Gross Profit Percentage - Deferred Profit (7:10)
Lesson 6.5 - Example - Mark Up On Cost - Deferred Profit (10:30)
Lesson 6.6 - Deferring Unrelated Profits or Loss in the Consolidation (19:13)
Lesson 6.7 - Deferring Unrealized Profits and Losses - Equity Method (8:22)
Lesson 6.8 - Downstream - Sale of Inventory (11:48)
Lesson 6.9 - Downstream Sale - Year 1 - Equity Method Entries (9:21)
Lesson 6.10 - Downstream Sale of Inventory - Year 1 (11:35)
Lesson 6.11 - Downstream Sale of Inventory - Year 2 (11:38)
Lesson 6.12 - Consolidation Net Income - Year 1 Downstream (3:55)
Lesson 6.13 - Downstream Sale of Inventory - Equity Method - Year 2 (7:38)
Lesson 6.14 - Upstream Sale of Inventory - Year 1 - Equity Method (8:28)
Lesson 6.15 - Upstream Sale of Inventory - Year 2 - Equity Method (6:25)
Lesson 6.16 - Upstream Sale of Inventory - Year 1 - Consolidation Entry AG (12:07)
Lesson 6.17 - Upstream Sale of Inventory - Year 2 - Consolidation Entry AG (10:25)
Section 7 - Intercompany Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets
Lesson 7.1 - Intercompany Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets (10:42)
Lesson 7.2 - Intercompany Land Transfers - Equity Method Transaction - Parents Books (10:24)
Lesson 7.3 - Intercompany Sale of Land - Downstream - Year of Sale (7:59)
Lesson 7.4 - Downstream Sale of Land - Year of Sale to Company B - Consolidated Entry AH (16:19)
Lesson 7.5 - Intercompany Land Transfers - Disposition of Asset (4:53)
Lesson 7.6 - Intercompany Sale of Land - Upstream (6:42)
Lesson 7.7 - Upstream Sale of Land - Year of Sale to Company A - Consolidated Entry AH (10:43)
Lesson 7.8 - Intercompany Transfers of Depreciable Assets - Downstream (12:07)
Lesson 7.8 - Intercompany Transfers of Depreciable Assets - Downstream (12:07)
Lesson 7.9 - Intercompany Transfers of Depreciable Assets - Downstream Sale - Consolidated Entries (11:42)
Lesson 7.9 - Intercompany Transfers of Depreciable Assets - Downstream Sale - Consolidated Entries (11:42)
Lesson 7.10 - Intercompany Transactions of Depreciable Assets - Downstream Sale - End of Year 2 (12:11)
Lesson 7.11 - Intercompany Transfers of Depreciable Assets - Downstream Sale - End of Year 2 (14:12)
Lesson 7.12 - Intercompany Transfer of Depreciable Assets - Downstream Sale - Consolidated Entries - After Year 2 (3:47)
Lesson 7.13 - Intercompany Transfers of Depreciable Assets - Upstream - Entries (12:29)
Lesson 7.14 - Intercompany Transfers of Depreciable Assets - Upstream - End of Year 1 (7:42)
Section 8 - Multinational Accounting
Lesson 8.1 - Multinational Accounting - Foreign Currency Transaction (5:51)
Lesson 8.2 - Exchange Rates - Direct and Indirect Exchange Rate (9:51)
Lesson 8.3 - Changes in Exchange Rates (11:14)
Lesson 8.4 - Foreign Currency Transaction (11:05)
Lesson 8.5 - Foreign Currency Imports & Exports Transactions (5:14)
Lesson 8.6 - Example - Foreign Purchase Transaction - Receivables and Payables (16:14)
Lesson 8.7 - Managing an Exposed Net Liability Position Headging (20:59)
Lesson 8.8 - Hedging an Unrecognized Foreign Currency Firm Commitment - FX Currency - FX Hedge (8:10)
Lesson 8.9 - Multinational Accounting - Key Terms (6:37)
Lesson 8.10 - Functional Currency & Exchange Rate (13:13)
Lesson 8.11 - Translation vs Remeasurement (15:34)
Lesson 8.12 - Example - Translation & Consolidation of Foreign Subsidiary - Date of Acquisition (8:26)
Lesson 8.13 - Foreign Subsidiary - Consolidated Entries AC - Date of Acquisition (9:53)
Lesson 8.14 - Subsidiary's Foreign Currency Units (9:08)
Lesson 8.15 - Translation of Foreign Subsidiary's Trial Balance (12:09)
Lesson 8.16 - Foreign Subsidiary - Parent's Equity Method Entries - End of Year 1 (7:38)
Lesson 8.17 - Foreign Subsidiary - The Differential - End of Year 1 - Equity Method (9:31)
Lesson 8.18 - Foreign Subsidiary - Consolidation of Foreign Subsidiary - Consolidation Entries - End Year 1 (8:41)
Lesson 8.19 - Review - Remeasurement of the Books of Records into the Functional Currency (5:44)
Lesson 8.20 - Restatement of Foreign Subsidiary's Trial Balance - End of Year 1 (10:37)
Section 9 - Segment and Interim Reporting
Lesson 9.1 - Segment and Interim Reporting - Operating Segment (8:33)
Lesson 9.2 - Defining Reportable Operating Segment (14:40)
Lesson 9.3 - Comprehensive Disclosure Test (5:16)
Lesson 9.4 - Reporting Segment Information (6:19)
Lesson 9.5 - Enterprise Disclosure (6:45)
Lesson 9.6 - Interim Financial Reporting (9:53)
Lesson 9.7 - Reporting Standards - Interim Statements - Revenue & All Other Costs (8:18)
Lesson 9.8 - Temporary LIFO Liquidation (11:31)
Lesson 9.9 - Market Write-Down Recovery - Inventory (12:46)
Lesson 9.10 - Accounting for Income Taxes in Interim Period (7:52)
Lesson 7.12 - Intercompany Transfer of Depreciable Assets - Downstream Sale - Consolidated Entries - After Year 2
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